- Navigate to the My Strategies from the Positivity menu.
- Learn more about creating strategies here: How To Create a Strategy
- Select the desired Strategy or Strategies from the Library and select Assign. Strategies include: Break cards, Decision Tree, Social Narratives and Video Modeling.
- Pro Tip: Use the Quick Assign
icon to quickly assign a single strategy.
- Pro Tip: Use the Quick Assign
- Select the desired Students, or use the Select All to quickly assign it to all students.
- Select the desired Class from the Class drop-down menu.
- Please note, this option will not appear if you have not opted into the Planner.
- Set the desired start and end dates.
- Pro Tip: If no end date is selected, the strategy will stay assigned in Student View until removed.
- Select the Availability in Student View options, if applicable.
- Please note, this field will only be available if the Homework feature is set up on your Classroom Settings.
- Select Save and Close.
How To Assign Strategies as Assignments From the Students Page:
- Navigate to Students under My Account
- Select Add Assignment(s) in the upper right corner of the page.
- Select Content Type as Positivity Strategy.
- Select the desired Strategy or Strategies.
- Select the desired students or whole classroom in the Assign To drop-down menu.
- Select the desired Class from the Class drop-down menu.
- Please note, this option will not appear if you have not opted into the Planner.
- Set the desired start and end dates for Student View access.
- Pro Tip: If no end date is selected, the strategy will stay assigned in Student View until removed.
- Select the Availability in Student View options, if applicable.
- Please note that this field will only be available if the Homework feature is set up on your Classroom Settings.
- Select the Add button.
- Save and Close.