Each weekly News2you newspaper is provided in four levels of difficulty to accommodate every stage of reader, from beginning to advanced. A text only format is also offered which can be used for Braille conversion.
Simplified – The simplified edition is a basic overview of the weekly topic. This version is symbol supported and offers a great way to introduce the topic and vocabulary of the week. Regular – The regular edition provides an in-depth coverage of the weekly topic. It is symbol supported and has clear and concise sentence structure. Higher – The higher edition provides the same in-depth topic coverage as the regular version but in a paragraph form. It is also symbol supported. Advanced – The advanced edition is provided in expanded text in a periodical format. This version provides additional information about the weekly topic and has digital real-life pictures rather than symbols. Text Only - The text only version has the same text as the regular/higher edition, but in a text-only format. This format can be used for Braille conversion and is located under the PDF downloads. |