Once a student has completed an Inspire Course Assessment or an Inspire Lesson Assessment, the results can be viewed by navigating to the Students page and clicking on the student’s name. At the top, select Assessment Results and select the appropriate filters for the time period, type, course, and lesson. The results summary will provide general information, the score summary, and recommendations. Select the View button to open a detailed report of the assessment results:
To print the results, use the Print button on the upper right side of the screen:
To add notes to this report, select the pencil icon on the far right side of the Notes section located at the top of the report:
The Scoring Summary, listed below the Notes, will indicate the overall Accuracy Score and Leveled Result of the assessment.
Each item will be listed for further details of the student's performance, scoring, and results.
A green checkmark on the upper left side of the item indicates the student accurately answered this item. The actual item prompt that the student received in the assessment will also be listed.
The Accuracy, Leveled Result, and Standards will be listed for each item to the far right. The Accuracy and Leveled Result will adjust according to the number of attempts it took the student to answer correctly.
For items that have a multiple-choice selection with only one correct answer, the Key will indicate the correct answer and the Student Answer will indicate the answer that the student selected.
A red x indicates that the incorrect answer was selected and any following attempts will be displayed to indicate the number of attempts the student took with the item. Each attempt will display for each item, and any changes in the prompting will be indicated in the text of each attempt.
For items that have a multiple-choice selection with more than one correct answer, the Result column will show the total number of available answers and the red x will indicate if the student failed to include that answer.
When the student is asked to type a word to complete an item, the Key will indicate the correct answer. Under Student Answer, the letters entered by the student will be shown. Incorrect letters entered will be indicated by a red x.