There are over 20 benchmarks that offer an expressive (verbal or other expressive response) or receptive (nonverbal response) format for the assessments to allow you to select the best response modes for your students. These benchmarks are Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Identification; Decoding (Lists 1-5); High-Frequency Words (Lists 1-10); Counting and Number Identification; Phonemic Awareness; and Syllable Awareness.
Expressive formats allow students to demonstrate their ability to respond verbally to tested items when taking the assessment independently through Student Dashboard administration or with support during teacher-led administration and offline administration methods. In expressive formats, answers are recorded, saved, and then scored by the teacher for the expressive versions of both administration types, documenting the student's verbal responses. Expressive formats may also be administered offline and answers recorded by the teacher simultaneously on the computer or scored during administration when completed teacher-led.
The receptive formats of the same assessments may be administered to the students via the same three administration methods with the student's nonverbal responses automatically recorded by the system for those assessments.
Every benchmark assessment has an assessment guide that provides guidance/considerations for you as you select what format and administration method is best for your students. Along with the guide is a printable scoring sheet to go along with the assessment if needed. All assessments can be assigned in student view, administered teacher-led, or administered offline methods. When you go to either assign the assessment or administer the assessment to the student, you will want to look for the “Format” drop-down to select Expressive or Receptive format for the selected assessments.
The Reading Comprehension and Reading Fluency are provided in three formats, each a different book. Reading Fluency assessments provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their reading rate, reading accuracy and oral reading expression. Reading Fluency assessments are recorded when administering independently through the Student Dashboard, or if scored after administration when completing with support during teacher-led administration.
You can learn more about selecting a Benchmark in our Guide here: Assessing Student Performance with n2y.