n2y supports Single Sign on with ClassLink. Please note, we recommend ensuring that student data is clean and all students have the same email listed in ClassLink and their n2y record.
- Sign into ClassLink as a district administrator.
- Navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com.
- Pro Tip: If this page does not automatically locate your school specific launch page, you can search for your school by name. Select the “Use My Location” option to try to locate your school automatically, or use the generic “Login Here” link.
- Select the “Management Console” option from either the “hamburger menu” at the top left, or from the icons in the main screen:
- From the navigation menu on the left, expand the “Applications” section and select “Add & Assign Apps.”
- Select the “Add” button from the menu:
- In the dialog box that opens:
- Specify a title under “Application Name.”
- Add a description, if needed by your district.
- Select an icon.
- Check the “Single Sign-On App” selection.
- Set the “Type” value to “OpenID.”
- Enter https://login.n2y.com/classlink/launch as the “Web Address.”
Pro Tip: To limit students to ClassLink Single-Sign On, your n2y Administrator will need to set up Domain Level Security Settings. Please note, while not required to enable ClassLink SSO Domain Level Security Settings may still be recommended. Please reach out to support@n2y.com for assistance setting up if desired.