Unique Learning System has been a cornerstone in classrooms for unique learners since its inception. With six grade bands of content and differentiation within those bands, the volume and quality are unparalleled.
ULS includes all vital components of a reading program in each grade band from preschool through transition. The National Reading Panel cites five components as evidence of a complete reading program (Ambruster, Lehr, Osborn, & Noonis, n.d.).
Five Components of a Complete Reading Program:
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
Phonemic Awareness
"Phonemes are the smallest parts of sound in a spoken word that make a difference in the word’s meaning," (Ambruster et al., n.d.). Awareness means the ability to hear, identify, and work with the component parts of spoken words (phonemes). Students begin demonstrating phonemic awareness in print and in spoken words when they recognize beginning sounds and string together lists of words with the same beginning sound or when they exaggerate the separation of sounds in word play. Children with solid phonemic awareness tools have good building blocks for reading and spelling (Ambruster et al., n.d.).
"Phonics instruction teaches children the relationships between the letters of written language and the individual sounds," (Ambruster et al, n.d.). Assigning and recording letter and sound relationships helps children in the future with less familiar words and patterns when reading. "Systematic phonics instruction is significantly more effective than non-systematic or no phonics instruction in helping to prevent reading difficulties among at-risk students and in helping children overcome reading difficulties," (Ambruster et al., n.d.).
"Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly," (Ambruster et al., n.d.). Fluency bridges the gap between word recognition and comprehending what is read. Fluent readers do not have to focus on the mechanics of the phonemes of each word, but recognize the words and tie together the concepts as they read with some automaticity. Students begin to show these skills when they read with expression or laugh at logical points in text. An important point made by the National Institute for Literacy publication, Put Reading First, is that fluency changes over time, (Ambruster et. al., n.d.) as it should be based on practice, type of reading material, and level of text. One of the most important ways to teach fluent reading is to model reading fluently. Use the leveled books within each lesson, n2y Library books, trade books, library books, or other reading material and model fluency.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, Lesson 1. September 2015. n2y.com.
"Vocabulary refers to the words we must know to communicate effectively," (Ambruster et. al., n.d.). Exposure to new words happens in many different ways including but not limited to direct and indirect exposure, oral communication, grade-level texts, and books read aloud. some vocabulary is learned by indirect means of exposure by some students, but providing students with specific word meanings, word groupings, and word strategies are helpful. "Direct vocabulary instruction aids reading comprehension," (Ambruster et.al., n.d.).
"Comprehension is the reason for reading," (Ambruster et. al., n.d.). If students do not understand the words, the level of text may be too high which maximizes frustration levels. As instructors, we want children to understand and enjoy reading activities with low frustration levels and appropriate comprehension to actually call it reading.
Easy Read Book ELEMENTARY, SymbolStix PRIME, n2y.com.
Verified by reading experts, every element of a full reading program is evident in each grade band of ULS. Further, the five components are visual and adapted to meet the needs of unique learners.
To further service providers in classrooms, n2y provides training to subscribers with Detailed Lesson Plans on reading instruction and all of the components of a full reading program.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, Lesson 1. September 2015. n2y.com
The lesson plans that are provided in ULS tie the entire program together for delivery in daily classroom instruction.
Read-aloud leveled books in each grade band are provided with text-to-speech so that all students can hear the book. Read-aloud experiences provide purposeful listening and reading opportunities for students.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, My Teacher. September 2015. n2y.com
Self-selected reading opportunities based on interest are also included in the ULS lesson plans. As essential learning experiences in the classroom, self-selected books give service providers a window into the interests, desires, and curiosities of learners who may not be able to articulate their choices by any other means. Choose from the n2y Library’s 1,000+ online books including classroom books, trade books, library books, leveled books, or easy read books. Search for a topic, a title, category, recently added title, or level.
n2y Library. September 2015. n2y.com
Guided reading is intended for small groups of students reading at the same level, but the same strategies can be applied to individual students. In guided reading, the student(s) read and the service provider supports the reading.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, Lesson 1. September 2015. n2y.com
ULS is giving students new ways to show what they know with a focus on comprehension in the Detailed Lesson Plans provided. With multiple ways to demonstrate comprehension, students with various learning styles and strengths will be able to exhibit excellence.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, My Teacher. September 2015. n2y.com
Vocabulary instruction will closely link to reading lessons with context, capitalizing on natural and repeated exposures to the words and concepts.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, Lesson 1. September 2015. n2y.com.
The higher grade bands, middle school, high school and transition include Skill Builders which continue to address phonemic awareness and phonics with age-respectful materials. Some users require more practice with these skills even though academic standards no longer reflect such targets for these grade levels. Skill Builders are essential in order to meet some student's needs.
Power Words are used in the middle school and high school grade bands. Power Words are high-frequency words and vocabulary play that play key roles throughout the lessons providing increased exposure to words and multiple activities. Power Words may be high-frequency words and exist on different lists, but they are valuable across settings to both literacy and understanding. For each lesson, there will be specific, key vocabulary words for understanding.
Unique Learning System, Elementary Leveled Book, Lesson 1. September 2015. n2y.com.
With these enhancements for students as well as service providers, Unique Learning System provides both the depth and breadth required for a complete reading program. Unique Learning System is a dynamic and robust system of learning and instruction.