- Sign in to n2y.com.
- Select the orange snowflake to launch the Unique Learning System.
- Select n2y GPS from the menu in the upper left-hand corner.
- Select Unit Checkpoints.
- Select Administer Checkpoint.
- Open the checkpoint instructions for important information on each test, including information on connections to state and educational standards and scoring rationale
- Choose from the options on the page to create the test.
- The Which Test? drop-down menu contains two test areas: Level 2 & 3 Checkpoints and Level 1 Checkpoints. Students should only take those tests that are associated with their suggested differentiated level.
- The Which Test? drop-down menu contains two test areas: Level 2 & 3 Checkpoints and Level 1 Checkpoints. Students should only take those tests that are associated with their suggested differentiated level.
- Once the appropriate test has been selected, continue by identifying the way in which the Checkpoint should be administered: Teacher Login, Offline or Student View.
When administering the assessment through the Teacher Login, start with selecting Run Test. Complete the assessment by reading the prompts and selecting the student’s answers. A notes area is provided for test administrators to capture relative information related to the student’s assessment experience at the end of each test.
Administering the Checkpoint offline requires test administrators to print the Printable Instructions and Test to provide the student a hard copy of the assessment. Once completed, choose Run Test, where you can then input the student’s answers. -
When assigning Checkpoints in the Student View, choose Assign. Once assigned, that assessment will appear in Student View. After the student has completed the Checkpoint, it will be removed from their view and can be reassigned as needed.
- Pro Tip: Text-to-speech and visual prompting for Level 1 assessments can be adjusted in the accessibility settings within My Students.
- Pro Tip: Text-to-speech and visual prompting for Level 1 assessments can be adjusted in the accessibility settings within My Students.
When administering the assessment through the Teacher Login, start with selecting Run Test. Complete the assessment by reading the prompts and selecting the student’s answers. A notes area is provided for test administrators to capture relative information related to the student’s assessment experience at the end of each test.
- Once the test is completed, scores can be viewed within the Unit Lessons section of the GPS under View Checkpoints.
- From the drop-down menu under Which Test?, select the area of assessment to view the results from different tests.
- Choose Print Report to print a report for the current test or for all tests.
- To view the results of completed tests at a later time, select View Checkpoints after navigating to Unit Checkpoints in the n2y GPS.