Yes. Teachers, service providers, and students can log in to n2y solutions through Google SSO by using the “Sign in with Google” option on the n2y login page or student login page. Students must have their email address added to their student details first to avoid duplication issues.
Three user personas, administrator, teacher, and student, are able to log in via this screen.
- Administrator: After Google authentication, they are directed to the n2y myAccount page.
- Teacher: After Google authentication, they are directed to the n2y myAccount page.
- Student: After Google authentication, they are directed to the n2y myAccount page for students. If they are only seated in one n2y application, they will go directly to the student view of that n2y application. The student email is required on the n2y student record for full integration to the n2y applications.
How to Set Up a Student With Google SSO:
1. Add the student’s Google email address to their student information under the Students area. NOTE: A student login method is not required to use Google SSO, but can be used in addition to this login method.
2. Have the student visit and select “Sign in with Google."
3. The student will sign in with their Google email address username and password, which will then authenticate this login method for their n2y Student View. When the student logs in with Google SSO, they will be able to interact with the lessons, activities, current event articles, and strategies assigned to them in their own personalized view.
Domain Level Security can be used to disable any of the other login methods available to administrators/teachers or students. Please contact n2y support ( for more information about enabling district-wide domain level security.