The Students page allows service providers to easily review all assignments that have been made for a student. Simply select any of the icons under Today’s Assignments to be directed to the Assignments tab of an individual student’s settings. Then use the Today, Upcoming, and Past tabs to quickly sort them.
Edit an Assignment
To edit an assignment select the edit icon.
If the assignment was made manually or through new content notifications, you will have the option to change who the content is assigned to, the start and end dates, and even assign it as homework.
- Pro Tip: If you do not set an end date, the assignment will remain available until the content is no longer available or you remove it.
If the assignment was made via the My Plan, you will be redirected to the appropriate plan to make your edits. Learn more about editing the My Plan here.
Please note that shared teachers can not edit assignments. They can remove manually assigned assignments and then assign them again with the necessary adjustments.
Begin a New Attempt
By default, activities are scored as a continuation. When scored as a continuation, any previous work a unique learner has completed during a Monthly Unit will still be available the next time they access Student View. Changes made will overwrite the existing recorded data to reflect the latest student interaction.
If a record of every attempt is desired, service providers have the option to select “Begin a New Attempt” anytime after the student has started the assignment.
- Pro Tip: Use the circle icons next to each assignment to quickly determine the status of an assignment.
Beginning as a New Attempt will clear previous answers from Student View and provide a separate score for the new attempt of that activity. Please note that this option is not available if the lesson does not collect data.
Delete an Assignment
To delete an assignment select the menu next to the desired activity and then Remove Assignment.
Please note that if you have a shared student, you cannot remove an assignment you did not make unless you have "Assign & Edit" access. You will need to coordinate with the shared teacher(s). Shared teachers will not be able to delete assignments assigned through the My Plan by the rostering teacher.