Navigate to Students under My Account.
- Select Add Assignment(s) in the upper right corner of the page.
- Select the desired content type from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Add button next to the desired content.
- Pro Tip: You can use the filters at the top to narrow your results and select multiple content during this step.
- Select the desired students or whole classroom in the Assign To section.
- Scroll below the list of students to set the desired start and end dates.
- Select a Class if using the Planner.
- Select the desired Availability in Student View if a Homework time is set.
- Select the Add button.
From here, you can assign the following activities:
- Unique Learning System:
- Unit Lesson Activities
- Courses
- Checkpoint Assessments
- n2y Library Books
- SymbolStix PRIME boards.
- L3 Skills activities.
- Inspire Courses & Assessments.
- Classics Courses
- News2you:
- Current Edition
- Breaking News
- Joey's Locker
- Positivity:
- Social Narratives
- Decision Trees
- Video Modeling
Please note that many of these activities can also be assigned elsewhere on the site.