Teachers can assign specific activities to students as homework. Activities from Unique Learning System, News2you, L3 Skills, SymbolStix PRIME, Inspire, Classics and Positivity all have the option of being assigned to students as homework. For students with unique learning needs, consistent support in school and at home is key to successful outcomes. Our solutions offer a crucial school-to-home connection to keep students on a path to success around the clock.
Students can then use their student login at home to complete homework. Scorable homework activities in Unique Learning System, Inspire and Classics will automatically collect data in Student Daily Performance.
For homework hours to be displayed, a homework start time must be set up. When the start time begins, no other activities assigned to the students will be accessible. The start time should be after the school day has ended as this will override the activities appearing in Student View for the day.
An easy way to think about the Homework feature is to think about it just like traditional homework. It will give your students access to only the activities you would want to send home after school.