Inspire content has built-in modifications and accommodations at differentiated levels to provide individualized supports that help students make progress toward meeting the general education standards. The differentiated Levels 4, 5 and 6 support Inspire learners through your state’s general education standards.
- Level 4: Students who benefit from Level 4 cognitive learning supports may require maximum support (visuals, cues, modifications, a limited field of answer choices, etc.) to learn and work toward mastering targeted general education standards.
- Level 5: Students who benefit from Level 5 cognitive learning supports may require moderate/modest support (visuals, cues, step-by-step layout, a narrowed field of answer choices, etc.) to learn and work toward mastering targeted general education standards.
- Level 6: Students who benefit from Level 6 cognitive learning supports may require minimal support (minimal visuals, cues, multi-step layout, etc.) to learn and work toward mastering targeted general education standards.
The course pre-assessment results indicate the differentiated level of support for each item's correct response. However, all students' differentiation levels default to Level 4 until the student completes the lesson pre-assessment or a teacher manually overrides it in the student’s settings in My Students.