Inspire provides educators a research- and evidence-based intervention curriculum to boost the success of Response to Intervention (RTI) programs and IEPs. Inspire Courses are designed to target specific skills for students who need targeted skill instruction.
Students who address general education standards but require support to learn targeted skills.
- Students on the cusp of moving to a less restrictive environment (higher than level 3 - self-contained).
- Students in Resource Services.
- Students in Tier 3 of RTI/MTSS - (subsequent phases will address Tier 3 and 2).
- Students in an inclusive setting.
- Support students who may have fallen behind due to remote learning models in the 2020-2021 school year.
Service Providers that support students in general education and inclusion classrooms.
- Resource teachers.
- Academic Interventionists (reading/math).
- RTI / MTSS Teachers (include general education teacher).
Administrators - (could be different than an existing administrator).
- Head of MTSS/RTI supports.
- Special Education Supervisor/Coordinator.